Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Half Ton Man Dies..Government Blamed

A man who weighed 990lbs died while laying at home. He had appealed for help with his weight problem on television. A neighboring gentleman tried to help by sending him fruit and protein bars so he could follow a more sensible diet. Unfortunately, it was too little too late. He died of heart failure.

Somehow, this has become the governments fault in the eyes of the family.

So let me get this straight. It's not the mans responsibility for letting it go this long. Granted, he may have had a weight problem, he did admit to it getting out of hand when he lost both parents with in a couple weeks of each other. But how do you get all the way to 990 lbs before you figure out you need help? Was there ever a time, like say at the 500lb mark, that he may have noticed things were beyond his abilities?

What about the family? Since they seem to think it reasonable to blame the government because they didn't cart him off to the hospital when he got on the TV...Where were they all this time? Where was the help from them? Why didn't they take the guy to a hospital? After some point, his mass alone would prevent him from being able to do anything to stop them. What is he going to do if he can't even get off the bed to pee?

Please don't blame the government for his bad choices in life. This man did not die because he didn't get a bed in the hospital two days ago...he died because he couldn't stop eating and didn't seek help until it was past the point of reasonable.

1 comment:

DJ r said...

I don't see where your cynicism is coming from... just earlier today I bought two orders of small fries, and ate them both! (true story) ...where was the Government to protect me from all those extra calories, in my moment of need?

I'll tell you: nowhere, nowhere to be seen. They really need to step in and live my life for me so I can only pretend to be free. Only then can I be safe from myself.